AFP Episode 3: Do You Smell What AFP is Cooking?
In this episode we talk about the 2011 Royal Rumble and the past, present, and future of professional wrestling. Also, Eric eats his words with his new found obsession with SouthLand and special guest host Emily Colon is there to make sure he eats ALL his words. Will and Jason also discuss the new trailers that premiered during the Super Bowl. You smell that? It's podcasting excellence!
AFP Episode 2: We Love Natalie Portman
In this episode we discuss Black Swan, Tron, The Social Network, Restrepo among other amazing films. Also the Golden Globes, Oscar predictions and how the academy is run by crotchety old men, and why Natalie Portman is so awesome.
AFP Episode 1: 2010 A Year in Review
In our first episode we are going to be going through why Dexter is God, Expendables, The A Team, Inception, the tearful departures of LOST and 24, the glorious premieres of The Walking Dead and Justified. Don't think about it, just download it.